Delivery $50.00 · Pickup after event $30.00
Send all serving bowls and utensils $30.00
Chaffers and Sternos to keep food hot $8.00 each
Pick-up at our catering kitchen (refer to the About Page for directions)
OR we can deliver to Saskatoon and surrounding area 50.00
Pick-up after event 30.00
We can send all bowls and utensils needed to serve the meal for an extra 30.00
Items must be returned rinsed the following day.
{Please refer to theTerms and Conditions to help guide you after you have made your meal selections}
Late Eating Policy
We prepare the food and have our staff ready for the time that we are given. We allow 15 minutes after a given start time for the meal. If the meal does not start at this time, a charge of $100.00 will be applied to the invoice for every 15 minute increment until the guests start eating.